~Behold the Mushroom Seeker Loot Bag~ 100% cotton, very light yet sturdy sheet material.
Contains 9 very powerful healing items for your wizardly needs:
Rainbow Moonstone Crystal- Allows the Crown Chakra to open and bring in loving white healing energies that will flow through us to the very core of our being. Rainbow Moonstone helps us to remember our true nature. **Many women like Moonstone for its ability to balance hormonal and menstrual cycles.
Labradorite Crystal- A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition & promoting psychic abilities. It will stimulate your connection to your sacred path while pulling in the self-confidence to learn the cryptic secret knowledge of the universe. **When Labradorite is paired with Moonstone, this personal inner seeking is powered by the moon. It activates the divine feminine, a key piece in being open to absorbing as much spiritual wisdom as possible.
Rose Quartz Crystal- Known for its heart healing properties. The love and healing vibrations help replace toxic emotions and blockages that clogs the heart chakra and replaces it with the energy of love.
Green Aventurine Crystal- Physically, Green Aventurine is an all-around healing stone with benefits for the lungs, liver, sinuses, and heart. Use Green Aventurine to loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease. Some wear or carry Green Aventurine to increase intelligence, perception and creativity.
1 Bottle Citrine/Amethyst Crystal Point Shards~
Amethyst Crystal Geode-The amethyst can be used in a few different ways to feel its powerful healing benefits. For mood support place an amethyst crystal under your pillow at night. Hold close to your heart during meditation to help remove toxic particles and use as a shield to prevent toxic energies from entering your personal space.
Citrine Crystal- Stimulates mental power and helps to focus. It activates both, mind and body. It brings happiness, joy, and positivity in life by eliminating the negative energies and vibes. Citrine is one crystal that does not accumulate or hold negative energy, in fact it transforms negativity into positive energy.
Clear Quartz Crystal Keychain- Highly prized for its ability to clear the mind of negativity to enhance higher spiritual receptiveness. It is considered the master of all healing crystals due to its ability to magnify or amplify healing vibrations of other crystals~
Polished Selenite Heart-
These are wonderful for palm size meditation~
Used for grounding, connecting with angels, manifesting miracles and so much more... there are so many reasons that Selenite is my favorite crystal in the entire universe!
Rubbing Selenite along her soft lines daily can bring you into peace with your true feelings and protect you from wasting your energy; allowing you to listen to the spiritual call of the heart rather than to react to the ways of the world.
When you are in a very content state of calm and joy- that is the sense of spiritual light force that Selenite can bring to you.
Selenite completely cleanses auras. Resonating at higher frequencies, selenite crystals are believed to promote spiritual development. These stones are also used for undoing the effects of negative emotions on one's mind and body.
Here is some more info on Selenite to show you all the benefits:
Shields a person, or place, from outside influences
Evokes protection from the angelic realm
Heals and repairs body on a cellular level
Removes energy blockages from the physical and etheric bodies
Increases the speed of one’s spiritual growth
Helps one connect with guides, guardian angels and higher self
Meditate with Selenite to explore past and future lives
Brings mental clarity and reveals the bigger picture behind any problem
Clears, opens and activates the Crown Chakra, as well as the higher Chakras
Calms and soothes a person to bring about peace and a sense of tranquility
Used for good luck and protection
Selenite is a link to the lightbody
Heals The Cellular, Physical & Etheric Body
Aid The Kidneys, Helps Relieve Stress/Anxiety
*ANYONE can benefit from these magikal items, this is a wonderful beginner set if you're just starting a collection. It contains a great variety of some more rare and commonly known stones. I Created this bundle intuitively and I believe it will bring a lot of healing and awareness to you.
*Please take care of your stones, this will keep them & you happy~ If you choose to carry your stones with your in your medicine bags daily, they will catch and hold negative energies instead of them clinging to you- just like a dream catcher does with your nightmares. Your selenite heart is a natural cleanser, meaning it will detox your stones that you've been carrying all day & if you're feeling they need it, they do. You can also bring them out to the sunlight on a sunny day or let them bathe in the moonlight.
DON'T CARRY YOUR SELENITE WITH YOU. I don't recommend this the same reason I don't recommend to sleep with it under you pillow- selenite vibrates at a very high frequency and may keep you on edge if you're carrying it around or unable to sleep because it stimulates thoughts ! This isn't the same for everyone though~
Selenite is a grounding stone, keep this in your living room or bedroom, near a window in the sun & moon to balance all the energies in your home.