Self Love Loot Bundle

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  • Regular price $60.00

Hello darling🍄
I have decided to create this special self love loot bundle containing four 
types of powerful magikal herbs that hold many usesPink Star Flowers, Lavender Buds, Sage Leaf, & Spearmint Leaf.
As well as ten types of extremely powerful crystals that I believe everyone should have access to- (there are more than 10 crystals included):  3 to 6 Lemurian Golden Healer Seed Crystal points , a Selenite wand, 3 Black Tourmaline, Fire Quartz, 3 Celestite, Rainbow Moonstone, 1 or 2 CitrineLabradorite, 3 Topaz, & Rainbow Fluorite.

Also contains one bottle Gold Leaf~ gold has been used for 1000s of years and deemed very lucky this item is meant to help balance energies around you and bring in miracles 🍀 Gold Leaf has the meaning and properties of fixing things to the original state. It is an amulet to support redo or retry. It also has the power to prevent things from breaking again after fixing with intention! 

This bundle is meant to add some more smiles, relaxation & miracles to your life during this time in existence~

{All details and ingredients are listed below
*for info on the crystal vegan soap you receive please check out the all natural collection ! It will most likely be Oatmeal Lavender Bergamont with Lemurians and amethyst on top / or Fire Quartz on top. 

The Herbs this box contains:

Pink Star Flowers- These gorgeous dried flowers are or magenta/ purple than pink. Their essence and color really stimulate the crown chakra and the root chakra..the shape of these magic little flowers are like sacred fractal geometric pieces.
Add flower petals to your next ritual bath to support whatever your magical intention is~
A dried flower can honor the releasing energy of the waning moon~

*{For a simple moon spell with dried flowers, arrange your flowers in a circle to represent the cyclical nature of the moon.
Place a tea light or white candle in the center of the circle to represent moonlight. 
Meditate in front of your moon altar and absorb the energy of the current moon phase~}*

Lavender-  Truly the most magical of all herbs, lavender has been revered, used and cultivated since the beginning of recorded time!

Its virtues are limitless and its allure captivating.

No other herb incites such emotion as that of lavender. Whether you love the herb for its fragrance, healthful properties or beauty, its magical qualities are ever present.

These buds are very gorgeous color and top quality- they are extremely fragrant and would go lovely in a bath, a sachet under your pillow or in the bathroom, or for use in spell work, for over all anxiety relief, or maybe even use them for crafting!


Spearmint- “Because of its connection to Venus and its pleasant scent, spearmint is a class money herb. It's not uncommon for people to tuck a pinch of this magic herb into their wallet. Astrologically, it's associated with Virgo. Some like to include spearmint in divination teas; I think it is a good addition when the divination concerns money or love. Spearmint is also a good choice for Water magic, as it loves to grow around water and in my opinion, has a liquid like, velvet aroma. Folks add it to floor washes to attract money to a business.” This spearmint is top quality and extremely yummy smelling!

Sage Leaf- Sage is used to promote wisdom and bring in good luck. It builds emotional strength and may help to heal grief. Magikally, burning Sage is associated with protection from evil and the granting of wishes. It appears in countless spells of kitchen witchery, especially those stemming from European traditions. Sage was used medicinally in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek medicine. In Roman times, Sage was sacred to Jove and was gathered with great ceremony. The genus name Salviais related to the Latin word salvere, meaning to heal, preserve or redeem. Sage was associated in European traditions with wisdom, long life, and even immortality. An Italian proverb states, “Why should a man die when he has Sage in his garden?”

The crystals and herbs in this collection are very special and powerful when used with intention so I’ve taken my time to write pretty vivid descriptions.

Thanks for reading!


*Crystals this box contains: 

*Lemurian Golden Healer Seed Crystal Points:    To start off, here’s a little about the origin:     Lemuria is the name of an ancient civilization believed to have sunk beneath the Pacific Ocean
It is believed that the volcanoes of Hawaii and other Polynesian Islands are the tops of the ancient Lemurian Mountains.
The Lemurian consciousness was much more centered upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions than our current mentally-based modern world. Their deeper connection to their heart qualities allowed them to express unconditional love for the Divine and each other.  It also enabled them to maintain a deep sense of connection to the Creator, their environment, and the whole of creation. 
The Lemurian crystals have been programed with this consciousness of love and connection, and working with them provides a most welcome healing balm for our souls~
These crystals are POWERFUL:                  
Lemurians activate, balance and purify the higher chakras specifically the Crown and the Soul Star Chakra! 
It is unlike any crystal in the world- each Lemurian crystal contains within it codes that have been embedded and programmed into it from a previous timeline from when these crystals were utilized in the temples and sacred spaces in Lemuria.
Some of them were even carried over into Atlantis. On each Lemurian you will notice what seems to be like barcodes engraved in the crystal. 
Those are the doorways into opening and accessing informations.  
They say- in meditation you can unravel these barcodes in the crystal & open a realm of information that’s been encoded & waiting to be revealed, taught, and learned for this lifetime as valuable knowledge for our human race. Lemurian crystals are said to have a consciousness of their own and it is no mistake when just one or many at once come into your life..whether you feel called to purchase or it is a gift..these crystals are very savvy and WILL find their way to their past life owners, the very ones who programmed them in their lifetimes in lemuria
We are meant to reconnect with these “seed crystals” for a great impact on our world- understand this crystal is found in single points buried deep in the ground individually & carefully encoded with informations from past timelines. 
I could probably write a book on these gorgeous healing gems... so please do some more research on the origin of these if you feel called to at ALL!

*Selenite Wand
-  (do not wet this crystal) This special Crystal grows by water dripping in caves over millions of years ~  is known for connecting, activating and clearing the Third Eye Chakra, the Crown Chakra & the Etheric Chakras
It is used for connecting with the Divine realm, for talking with angels/guides/light beings & manifesting miracles
Selenite is one of the most powerful crystals there is due to its extremely high vibration and it’s ability to purify its own aura along with any other crystal, or human who is willing
Selenite may cause you to rid yourself of anything in life that’s holding you back or causing a negative impact subconsciously. Selenite may even cause you to rid your home of things that are causing clutter~please look more into selenite at


*Black Tourmaline- Activates, purify and balances the Root Chakra helping you to feel grounded in your own personal power. 
This is a very powerful crystal that ANYONE can benefit from, even the people around who aren’t aware you’re carrying a crystal will benefit from the way this crystal transmutes and alchemizes negative energy into positive energy
It repels and blocks negative energy and psychic attack- especially if a person is unaware they’re attacking you with their energythis stone will place a protective barrier over your auric field and help you to understand what emotions belong to you.

*Fire Quartz (Hematoid) Crystal point:  pinkish white. 
(not shown-I added them in after I took pics)    Stimulates the Root Chakra, the Sacral chakra and the Solar Plexus. This crystal is good for healing self esteem, it helps you to understand why you do something so you can have a conscious response instead of an unconscious reaction. Known for amplifying, storing and directing the flows of energy. This crystal is an amazing purifier for our aura- it helps to raise our vibration and dissolve blockages that are creating imbalances.

-Balance, purify and activate the Third Eye Chakra with this ethereal stone. It is said to enhance wisdom, understanding, mindfulness and higher consciousness. 
*Holding this stone during meditation, during astral travel or Akashic learnings will help with remembering the things you’re taking in.
This stone is extremely useful for Reiki practice as well due to its ability to heighten our divine intuition. It brings in a feeling of harmony and balance to daily living.

- This stone helps activates, clears and unblocks the Sacral Chakra, the Third-Eye, and the Crown Chakra
Moonstone connects us to Divine & encourages easier decision making in our earth realm
This is the stone of new beginnings, a stone of inner growth and strength- it soothes emotional instability and stress. 
It enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in relationships and business matters.

*Citrine Geode
-  Activate and unblock the Solar Plexus Chakra to help step into your power with citrine. 
Promote motivation and confidence, activates creativity and encourages self expression, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind
It helps release negative traits like depression, fears and phobias
It is the stone of monetary abundance and personal power.


Labradorite- Helps activate & unblock the Throat Chakra! Speak your truth
For protection against psychic attack, also helps to expand awareness & helps with transformation, enhancing inner strength and inner worth. 
Alchemizes negative energy and anxiety into calming balanced energy.


Topaz- Activate, balance and purify ALL your chakras with this powerful little stone. 
It mostly enhances the Throat and Solar plexus but definitely strengthens every single chakra. 
This stone enhances serenity in life and boosts productive energies in ALL facets. 
This stone is associated with WHOLENESS & oneness.
It is a stone that brings positive energy into daily life and heightens the sensitivity to the environment and those around you.


Rainbow Fluorite- Fluorite is known as the "Genius Stone"
Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit.