Primary Bunny

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  • Regular price $77.00


The peep bunny design in a preskool primary color way 

Featuring front & back design with a broken heart design on each sleeve~

Size Large ~ unisex and super cozy fit

Dominant color benefits- Yellow color magic is used for calling upon the spirits of balance and happiness. Yellow energy is also used for contacting spirit guides in times of need and consultation. The color yellow has been used for centuries in ritual of safe travel- families would tie a yellow ribbon around a tree by the house until loved ones returned home safe from war~Blue is the magic color for working with the elemental energies of the water and the sky. Wearing Blue can summon the calming, cleansing energies of the ocean or a cool breeze whispering messages that will offer you new clarity. Blue truly opens the pathway for truth to be revealed, bringing forth the spirits of tranquility, serenity and an air of calm. Red color magic brings with it the energy of fire & will burn away unwanted things in life. Red will bring forth the influences of truth and passion while eliminating any negative forces along the way.
